Joel & Kerry

Joel & Kerry

After being left by my husband with two young children I had given up on any Christian wanting to be with me with the stigma of divorce. I tried Christian Connection and had a number of dates. Like any dating site it took a few interesting dates and I decided to have a break. I then signed up again in 2016 and that’s when I met Joel. I waved first and we started chatting. Joel had signed back up for CC the same week I did. We had both decided to give it one more chance. After chatting for a few weeks we decided to meet for a date. We met under the clock tower at Waterloo. It was amazing. We went to winter wonderland and stayed til we got kicked out. The rest is history! We married in sept 2020. I am so thankful that God brought us together. I have an amazing husband who loves God and my two boys. Our God is truly a God of restoration! My advice would be to make sure you chat to someone for a while before meeting up, chatting on the phone helps too. Also that it takes time and there will be disappointments along the way.

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