Oluseyi & Philippa

Oluseyi & Philippa

June 2024

Philippa's testimonial:

I found myself in a situation where I had a strong desire to be married, to give love and be loved. I believed it was God’s will for me to be married and although I had met some nice guys on CC, having been on/off the site for several years I hadn’t met anyone that I could see myself getting married to. My friend suggested that I refocus on God and that I start reading the Bible from the beginning and I soon committed to this daily which was revolutionary in my healing from past hurts and having a closer walk with God.

However in my frustration in not making much progress on CC I cancelled my subscription from CC but kept my account (just in case) and checked my account less and less.

Over a course of several days I was having conversations with different people in my life some who knew my frustrations and others who didn’t but all felt compelled to tell me ‘surrender everything to God’. I had made getting married and desiring children an idol, and I realised that I had to get to the end of myself and surrender everything to God including these things.

So, I genuinely prayed to God and ugly faced cried telling him that he knew what I desired, that I did want to be married and have a family but that I surrendered it all into his hands; and that if it was not in his plan for me to be married that I would accept that because he knew what was best for me. I told him that I wanted Him to be first in my life and I left it there.

After that day I genuinely felt a peace and contentment, I had accepted that I may not get married or have children and I was content in my singlehood.

Six weeks went by and I felt the Holy Spirit nudge me to open CC to see if there would be any men that I may like, I thought this was a waste of time but I was obedient, and the first profile that I saw was Oluseyi’s. My first thought was that he was good looking, and so I read his whole profile, nervously clicked that I liked him, and the next day he did the same.

I renewed my CC membership to write to him and unknowingly to me he became a full member to speak to me.

In conversation with him his love and desire for God was what struck me the most, I was bowled over, and it was so refreshing to hear a man talk so eloquently and openly about his love for God and all that God had done for him.

Earlier that year I had written down 15 things that I desired in my future spouse and a man that walked with God, listened, obeyed and loved Him as number one in their life was right at the top of my list, I found that in Oluseyi and it was now true in my own walk as well.

We spoke loads on the phone, met within two weeks and were married less than a year later.

Oluseyi is my best friend, my love and partner in faith. It is a privilege to be his wife and I am grateful to God for using CC to bring us together.

To the CC team thank you for all the work you do on the platform, and for those still searching for your spouse commit it all to God, surrender to him. He truly knows what’s best for you.


Oluseyi's testimonial:

It took me a while to finally find my way to our Father. When I finally did, everything changed.

After a lot of shedding of behaviours and mind set ( a period I can look back on now and see that I was being prepared/refined for GOD’s precious daughter), only then was I led to do a google search to see if there was even such a thing as a Christian dating website. I found Christian Connection and joined for the first time. The experience was largely positive. I had some really good conversations and connections but in the end I was unsuccessful in my aim to find my wife.

Roughly about 6 months later, I decided to give CC another try. All the while my walk with the Almighty was going from strength to strength. I was very focused on deepening my relationship with the Lord through fasting and studying the word. However, finding a child of God that I thought I was compatible with was not a major focus for me (even though it was still my desire). In the build up to my returning to CC, my mum suggested I commit to a dedicated prayer, which involved me praying 3 times a day for a week at a set time, asking God to connect me with my wife. I also committed to surrender completely to His will/direction. At the end of the week, the first notification I received was from my now wife.

It was hard not to see it as a sign but I tried to stay grounded and open minded. My wife-to-be sent me a ‘like’ to which I responded, but then she followed up by sending me a message! The problem with that was that I had not yet committed to the premium service. To be honest I was surprised by her forthrightness but I am forever thankful she was.

I subscribed the following day and engaged in conversation with my wife to be, and a few other ladies. For the first time in my life, I was not letting my own specs dictate my correspondence with these women. I surrendered it all to GOD. What followed was, each woman naturally disqualified themselves one way or another. All except my future wife (to my delight). I was honest and open with her about my commitment to surrendering to the Lord and all it involved.

Fast forward, we dated for the next year. We prayed together and read the Bible together almost daily. We formed a strong spiritual rhythm which was just amazing. Studying the bible, discussing and debating together made us align our moral and spiritual values. This was the foundation of our relationship. The layers of friendship and attraction followed. We were blessed that things fell into place this way without too much effort or design. We shared a love for GOD and a commitment to use the Bible as the template to frame our relationship.

Over the year, my wife to be and I built some wonderful memories travelling and we also overcame some trauma - helping us to forge and stress test the relationship, with GOD at the centre.

Without intention or design whatsoever my beautiful, lovely wife and I got married exactly a year to the day of our first phone text conversation.

We promised GOD in the build up to the wedding that we would give testimony of his blessings on us. We prayed, asking GOD to use our union as instruments of his glory.

We’ve been married 6 months.

All praise is His. Amen

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