“Be open, be honest, be brave” – 8 things 2024 couples who met on Christian Connection taught us in 2024
Every year more and more couples share the wonderful stories of how they met on Christian Connection and what has happened since. We make sure to ask them what advice they have for single Christians based on their own experiences, and their answers never disappoint. Read their thoughtful and wise suggestions and be encouraged.
Here are eight drawn-from-life tips that helped couples who #MetOnCC.
Be brave
A recurring theme in couples’ meeting stories is courage – to join, wave, message and to meet up. Being brave was one of Jamie’s top tips: “Be open, be honest, be brave, get yourself out there. And just step out in faith.” He met Angelique on Christian Connection, and their long distance love story led to an Italian-style wedding, bringing together their family heritage and love of community.
Step out in faith
Single Christians join Christian Connection for one reason – to meet others who share their faith. It’s why over a hundred thousand people have found love in the 25 years since we began. For CC couples, often their faith isn’t passive, but instead leads them to take action. Sharon met Andrew on the site and says: “Give it a go. Pray about it. But then step out in faith and give it a go and trust your instincts. Go with your gut. Believe in your capacity to find the right person for yourself and enjoy the process.”
Be your authentic self
Explore mutual connection

Shared enthusiasm is a great thing – especially if it’s for each other! Couples who’ve contacted us with their love stories often describe how they took that initial connection and explored what might come of it. If you think there might just be a little possibility of a future connection, it’s worth finding out more!
Aduba says: “Will sent me a heart and I reciprocated with one back. We exchanged some messages then moved to speaking on the phone. We talked on the phone for hours and enjoyed one another’s text messages throughout the day. We shared our testimonies and the reasons why we love Jesus and found that we made a great team.” Aduba met Will on CC and they now have a baby girl.
Commit everything to God

Don’t give up

Don’t rush to judgement
“Be humble, it’s to easy to judge a book before reading it. No-one can know the ending without turning each page. So take the time to discover each other and find your path together.” So said Matthew and Marisa, when they got in touch to share their meeting story and beautiful wedding pictures.
Read Matthew and Marisa’s story here.
Feel nervous – but do it anyway
And an additional little PS from Matthew – feel the fear and do it anyway! He overcame his initial fear to meet Marisa: “At first I was nervous but I wanted to meet her.” And he’s very glad he did!
Want to hear from more couples who met on Christian Connection?
Did you know you can watch couples tell their stories in their own words? The Christian Connection YouTube channel has lots of fun and inspiring clips, from short videos to in-depth longform interviews where couples share their advice for single Christians as well as their own stories.
To be encouraged by regular #MetOnCC stories, you can follow us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter / X too.