“We both thought we might never meet someone” – Andrea & Rob, our Christian Connection story

“Rob and Andrea had on-off been part of Christian Connection for a number of years, both with a conviction to meet a faithful Christian partner, but in April 2023 Andrea had re-signed up to give online dating “one final go”. She had met a few people in the past but they hadn’t worked out, but this time Andrea spotted a guy hosting regular online meetups of Zoom Karaoke and, having looked on his profile, gave him a “wave”…

Share the Love this Valentine’s Day - Christian Connection blog

Share the Love this Valentine’s Day

Here are some clues that Valentine’s Day is around the corner once again: there are hearts and flowers wherever you look, email inboxes are filling up with suggestions of everything from chocolates to kitchen appliances as perfect gift ideas, and people both single and coupled up are starting to wonder what to do for the day. There can be a lot of pressure to make the best of this one romantic day, and it’s very easy to feel overwhelmed, or left out if you don’t have anything planned. Here on Christian Connection we know romance can’t be rushed, so this Valentine’s Day why not take the romantic pressure off and focus on ways to share the love with others.

Music and dating: Why music should play a part in your dating life - Christian Connection blog

10 joyful musical date ideas

“If music be the food of love, play on.” wrote William Shakespeare. Music has the power to be inspiring, emotive, and moving, as well as fun and cheering. Whether you’re looking for a first date with a fun soundtrack or a special outing to make memories, there are lots of enjoyable musical date ideas that can help you be in tune with each other. Music can set a scene and create memories. Music is so linked to love, the great romantics among us have even been known to serenade their potential mates! It’s a feast for the senses; listening to it can be intimate and mood changing, as well as joyful and releasing.

Music and dating: Why music should play a part in your dating life - Christian Connection blog

Music and dating: Why music should play a part in your dating life

Have you ever tried watching a movie without the score playing? It’s empty, dry and just not the same. The sweeping violins, gentle flute and tinkling piano of a romantic film all help to create an atmosphere and take you on a journey. Music is a language in itself. It’s personal, inspiring and sentimental. It’s a wonderful time traveller, creating and sparking memories. Most importantly in dating, it’s something to bond over: music and dating go together! My husband is a musician and a talented composer – funnily enough, I fell in love with his music before I even met him on Christian Connection. He even composed a theme for me that we walked down the aisle to at our wedding. Music can add so much to your dating life!

5 ways to be brave in your dating life this year - Christian Connection blog

5 ways to be brave in your dating life this year

New year is a time when most people will be thinking about resolutions and making a fresh start: taking on new skills, exploring new habits and kicking out bad habits. When it comes to dating, the new year is also a great time to think about meeting new people and finding that Mr or Mrs Right. For some people, this can come with some trepidation. Fear of rejection, feeling overwhelmed, or not knowing where to start could make one give up before one even starts. I get it; I’ve been there myself. But the truth is, if you’re serious about meeting someone, you need to be brave. Here are 5 ways to do that this New Year, starting now!

How to let love into your life this year - Christian Connection blog

How to let love into your life this year

As a new year dawns, we are gifted a fresh opportunity to build the life and the relationship that we desire and deserve. So, how do we make the most of this opportunity? How can you let love into your life? I believe we do this by giving to ourselves, to our lives and to others the love we hope to receive.

Our 25 top tips for dating on Christian Connection in 2025 - Christian Connection blog

Our 25 top tips for dating on Christian Connection in 2025

As we step into the new year, 2025 marks not only a fresh beginning but also a meaningful milestone: the 25th anniversary of Christian Connection! Since the year 2000, Christian Connection has been dedicated to bringing singles together in a supportive, values-based environment, and fostering long-lasting love rooted in faith – with thousands and thousands of wonderful love stories begun. Whether you’ve been part of Christian Connection for a while or are just starting out on your online dating journey, there’s no better time to start exploring all that Christian Connection has to offer.


About this Blog

Christian Connection is an award-winning Christian dating website in the UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, USA and Canada.

Since the UK launch in 2000, thousands of Christians have found friendship, love and marriage through the site.

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