Success Stories

“Our wedding was a beautiful day full of joy, blessings and God’s grace” – Christian Connection couples share their stories

“I have now been happily married for 10 years with the first man I met on Christian Connection. It was obviously meant to be,” wrote Roz, as she shared the story of how she met her husband Kelvin and their life together since they first connected. We know that single Christians who join CC are looking for someone who shares their faith and values, that will give them a strong foundation to build a lasting relationship. Their stories and experiences are full of tried and tested guidance for making connections that go the distance – each one starting with being brave and becoming a member!


“I can’t believe how much life has changed. I pinch myself every day” – Ian & Karen, our Christian Connection story

Every Christian Connection meeting story is unique. For Ian and Karen, their connection meant a major life change: “I’d never had a boyfriend before meeting him, and thought all hope was lost. I still can’t believe it finally happened,” says Karen. They got in touch to share their encouraging story – and some beautiful wedding photos!


“Something about him made me want to put myself out there” – Angelique and Jamie, our Christian Connection story

“I actually wasn’t even going to give him a look. I was living in Melbourne, and Jamie was in Adelaide…” When Angelique and Jamie first connected on Christian Connection they lived 12 hours apart. Find out how their relationship developed from a wave to a New Year proposal, to a life-changing relocation and a beautiful Italian-style wedding…

Love has no age limit: The Christian Connection guide to meeting online as a mature dater

Love has no age limit: The Christian Connection guide to meeting online as a mature dater

One question the Christian Connection team is often asked is: “I’m an older person. Is online dating really for me?” The answer to that is a resounding yes! More and more mature daters are getting online to connect with potential new partners, using technology to make lasting connections. If you’re thinking about trying out online dating at a later stage of your life, you’re not alone, and we’re here to help.


“We found this natural synergy between the two of us” – Andrew and Sharon, our Christian Connection story

“I was looking for a life partner. And I wanted to find someone who shared my faith and shared my beliefs. I heard about Christian Connection from a friend. I thought, ‘well, it’s pretty good way to find someone…’” When Andrew started out on his search he had no idea it would end up in an elegant first dance to his new wife Sharon. Find out how her wave to Andrew on Christian Connection sparked a lasting relationship…


“I liked his heart for God” – Leesa & Leigh, our Christian Connection story

Before Leesa and Leigh met on Christian Connection they shared similar stories – both had been married before, both had children and both felt prompted by God to join just when they did. Following God’s lead, Leesa joined just in time to meet before Leigh’s subscription ended. That connection led to an unexpected declaration of love in a fast food restaurant, a wedding surrounded by family and friends and exciting plans for the future.


“It just takes one” – James & Victoria, our Christian Connection story

Going from a simple online ‘like’ to a long-distance relationship and a marriage is no small feat! When Victoria first noticed James on Christian Connection, she knew what she was looking for and what she wanted her dating profile to say about her. Before starting her search, she was certain of one thing: “I decided that I was going to be intentional and join a Christian dating website.” She knew of Christian Connection and thought, “Let me give it a try. What have I got to lose?” She had picked the perfect moment to connect with James, though she didn’t know that when she joined. James had been a Christian Connection member for some time: “My journey was a bit longer… On and off. In fact, when I was coming towards the end of using it. That’s when Victoria and I met…”


“The connection and chemistry followed” – Christian Connection couples share their stories

“Thanks Christian Connection for helping us find one another, God’s way,” wrote Aduba and Will at the end of their Christian Connection story. If there’s one thing couples who meet on Christian Connection have in common it’s sharing a deep faith they go on to grow together. It’s always a privilege and encouragement to hear the stories of single Christians who joined Christian Connection in hope making a special connection, met through a wave or message and have decided to build a future together.


About this Blog

Christian Connection is an award-winning Christian dating website in the UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, USA and Canada.

Since the UK launch in 2000, thousands of Christians have found friendship, love and marriage through the site.

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