Top tips and lasting love stories – Our most popular blog posts of 2024
From fun ideas for original first dates to encouraging stories from couples who met on Christian Connection, the CC blog contains a wealth of inspiration and practical advice for single Christians. Drawing together dating and relationship experts and wisdom from real life stories, these are the posts that have resonated with you this year.
In reverse order – drum roll – here’s what readers, daters and CC members found to be helpful suggestions and great dating advice in 2024.
#5 – “It just takes one” – James & Victoria, our Christian Connection story
“Once our conversation was flowing… this serious element of God, but with jokes and laughter in. It was just so nice, wasn’t it?” remembers Victoria. “I remember laughing a lot,” says James, “Laughing out loud reading messages, just sitting in my flat by myself. Getting ready for church because there was a New Year’s Eve service. And not wanting to go because I was just enjoying the conversation so much.”
#4 – “It felt like I knew her and she knew me” – Moyo & Yinka, our Christian Connection story
“Yinka spotted Moyo first. “Moyo was really smartly dressed. And I think that was what stood out for me.” Once Moyo received her message, he was intrigued. “Yinka reach out to me first, so it was upon her message that I then checked her profile… she seemed like a very friendly and outgoing person…. she was also a Christian and a Bible believing Christian… she was beautiful individual.””
#3 – 7 fun and simple first date ideas that aren’t meeting for coffee
“Messaging has been going well. You want to meet in person and chat more. The classic first date is to ‘meet for a coffee’ – simple to arrange, public and low cost. It’s a great way to test your online connection and whether there’s more to develop without the pressure of a grand setting or long time commitment. But you still want it to go well. First impressions count! So, what could you do that’s a little more interesting than a couple of cappuccinos?”
#2 – First date green flags: 5 signs your first date deserves a second date
“Many of us struggle on first dates, with nerves, awkwardness, and expectations. We want to put our best foot forwards, but we may not show up as our best selves. So, take note of the green flags and, at the same time, keep an open heart and mind. Stay tuned in to your intuition and refrain from swift judgement or knee-jerk reactions. Remember that the person who is sitting opposite you or who’s walking by your side on a first date is human too.”
#1 – First date red flags: 4 signs to watch out for
“I can think of many occasions when I spotted a red flag but ignored it or excused it with an apparently rational explanation. Why? Because I really wanted the date or relationship to work out, above all else and at any cost. I was dating with a deep craving for love, affection and connection. I had left my powers of discernment at home. I was racing towards a relationship at breakneck speed, ignoring all the STOP signs. Clearly, this didn’t turn out well.”