A couple kiss behind a paper heart

5 tips for singles on Valentine’s day

Valentine’s Day, is supposedly the official romantic time of the year but for many singles it will be a painful reminder they have yet to find that special someone. If you are one of those singles, then here are 5 top tips to help you thrive, not just survive the season!

1. Fill Your Love Tank

Valentine’s Day is about romantic love but a real relationship needs other types of love to make it work. God’s love will bind a relationship (a chord of three is not easily broken) so make sure you feel loved by God. A real relationship requires other support systems like good friends, so why not invest in seeing your friends on Valentine’s Day? It also requires self love because Mr or Mrs Right can’t make you change the way you feel about yourself. So, work on renewing your mind and know that you are good enough! Use Valentine’s Day to fill your heart with these other types of love and romantic love, when it comes along, will have a strong foundation to be built on!

2. Have Fun

I remember thinking that my life was more exciting when I was dating but then I realised some of my dates were living what they loved to do. So I decided to get busy filling my life with the things that gave me joy. If you are telling yourself life is boring as a single and Valentine’s is making you mad or sad, examine why you are bored. The right one is looking for a fulfilled partner! So think about what you can do to make life more fulfilling and start one of those activities on Valentine’s Day.

3. Make Reality Your Friend

It’s very easy on Valentine’s Day to see the world made up of two classes of people, the single and lonely versus the happy and loved up couples. So, make reality your friend. Not everyone around you is a couple and not every couple is looking forward to it. For some on a tight budget it’s a stress factor and for other’s it is a painful reminder of their broken relationship. Keep the right perspective and you will save yourself unnecessary pain.

4. Keep Your Hope Alive

Now that Valentines Day is here, do you find yourself thinking about past relationships and wishing things turned out differently? Instead of torturing yourself, trust God is guiding your path and has promised you a future. While you are single you have hope of finding the right match. Keep your hope alive!

5. Do Something!

It may not be your dream or wish that you are still single. However, God gave you free will, which means you can make choices. It is easy to complain, give up or focus on discouraging statistics. There is no lack in God’s Kingdom, so start doing something today to end your singleness. Develop a dating skill, work out why you have an unwanted dating pattern, take advantage of the free time offered on a dating website, follow it up with a paid membership and use it. Ask friends if they know any compatible matches. Get over your fear of dating. Do something by giving yourself more choices to meet the right one and make that your Valentine’s Gift this year!

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