Author Archives: Katherine Baldwin

The pre-dating checklist: 4 simple questions to help you to enjoy dating and do it well - Christian Connection dating advice

The pre-dating checklist: 4 simple questions to help you to enjoy dating and do it well

How can we ensure we have a positive experience when dating? That we feel hopeful about the process and willing to continue our search for love, rather than feel depressed, down and ready to give up? Asking yourself some simple questions – a handy pre-dating checklist – can help. These questions are designed to support you to create a virtuous circle in your dating life so that you remain upbeat and enthusiastic, as opposed to being in a painful vicious cycle that leads you to stop dating. Ready to start?

How to date authentically - Christian Connection dating advice

How to date authentically

Authenticity is the path to a healthy romantic relationship yet sometimes our fear of not being enough or our deep hunger for love stop us from showing up authentically on dates. Perhaps we are scared we’ll be rejected if we reveal our true selves. Maybe we’re afraid our date won’t want to see us again if we’re honest about what we’re looking for in a relationship. How can we instead date authentically and show up as our authentic selves?

Being true to you: How to live authentically in 2024 - Christian Connection dating advice

Being true to you: How to live authentically in 2024

New Year. A blank page. As 2024 begins and we make plans, set intentions and prepare to write a new story, there’s a question that’s worth holding in our hearts and keeping at the forefront of our minds: how do I live authentically this year? This question could be posed in different ways: how do I stay true to myself? How do I live in alignment with my values? How do I live in accordance with God’s plan for my life? How do I live with integrity?

4 ways authentic communication leads to healthy love - Christian Connection dating advice

4 ways authentic communication leads to healthy love

Deep down, we all want to be loved. But sometimes our desire for a romantic relationship is so strong that it leads us to show up as less than our full selves in our digital conversations. This then leads to a relationship that isn’t based on the whole truth – and that kind of relationship cannot last. Honesty is the best policy. We all know that. But when it comes to exchanging messages with prospective dates, it can be tempting to censor ourselves or present ourselves less than completely in a slightly different light in the hope of finding that elusive connection. At the root of inauthentic communication is fear.

How to stay true to yourself when dating - Christian Connection dating advice

How to stay true to yourself when dating

Do you lose yourself in romantic situations? Are you prone to changing your shape to suit your date, morphing into the person you think they want you to be? Do you struggle to voice your needs and wants or express your truth when dating? Do you find yourself pleasing the other and abandoning yourself? If so, you are not alone and change is possible.

Why healthy boundaries are key to successful dating - Christian Connection dating advice

Why healthy boundaries are key to successful dating

How do we set ourselves up for dating success rather than dating disasters? How do we ensure that we make good choices in relationships and avoid hurting ourselves and others? For me, the key lies in healthy boundaries. There are many types of boundaries we can set with ourselves and others to ensure we stay emotionally and physically safe and avoid pain and hurt. But how do boundaries apply to dating and relationships?


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Since the UK launch in 2000, thousands of Christians have found friendship, love and marriage through the site.

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