5 quick changes to boost your dating profile
When was the last time you looked at your Christian Connection profile as others see it? However long you’ve been a member, it’s easy to forget the importance of first impressions. Your profile is your introduction to who you are and it’s worth taking the time to make sure it shows off all that is great about you! Thankfully it’s easy to boost your dating profile with a few quick changes – which can also boost your confidence about making new connections.
Here are some simple ways you can refresh your presentation on Christian Connection. It’s easier to boost your dating profile than you think!
Take an objective look
When you go to edit your CC profile start by clicking the button at the bottom: ‘View your profile as others see it’. This will show you how you’re appearing to others – and it may be a surprise! Take a minute to look over it. Does it say everything you’d want a prospective partner to know about you at this stage in the dating journey? Do your photos reflect you at your best? Is your personal information still correct?
Even if you’re very happy with what you see, is there anything you could update to add interest? If your profile has a fresh look, it’s a new opportunity to stand out. Be brave and ask a friend’s opinion too – they can point out great things about you that you might not have thought to mention, and remind you why you’re great to be around!
Refresh your introduction
When you first completed your profile the opening line might not have had your full attention. And, it can be tricky to summarise everything that’s great about you in a couple of lines! If you haven’t completed this yet, don’t wait! Is there something you could add to give other members a quick insight into who you are?
Don’t forget the importance of including what makes you unique. Our blog post ‘4 reasons an authentic dating profile leads to better matches’ explains why being fully yourself is the biggest boost your dating profile can have!
Change your photos
One of the simplest changes you can make to boost your dating profile is to your photos. Maybe you’ve had a great holiday or attended a fun event since you last edited your profile – do you have a good pic from it that would be an interesting talking point?
If your photos feel a little dated or don’t reflect who you are today, could you ask a friend to take some new ones on a phone? Maybe you’ve changed your appearance in some way – you have a different hairstyle or a new jacket you love!
Remember that authenticity is key. Your pictures don’t need to be overly posed or styled in ways that aren’t representative of your life. Just showing you as you are will help you to stand out more to people you’ll share interests with.
Update your interests
It’s very unlikely you haven’t done something new since you first wrote your profile! What films or TV shows have captured your attention recently? A book that’s inspired you? Is there a new release you loved that could catch the eye of someone who loved it too? If you’re working your way through a box set, that could be a great conversation starter!
What about your dream holiday? Have you managed to make a trip since you last updated your profile? Is there anywhere else in the world – or even space! – that you’d love to visit? What vacation inspiration could be an ice breaker when you start chatting?
Final thoughts
Read all the way down to the end of your profile and you’ll find ‘Final thoughts’ – the last thing someone will read when they visit your profile! When first creating your dating profile, this can be overlooked – but it’s a great opportunity to sign off in a memorable way. What do you want potential connections to have in mind when they reach your final thoughts?
It’s a chance to invite interaction, suggest an activity or wrap up your profile with something fun or memorable.
Even if you only have five minutes to spare, it’s worth taking the time to review your presence on Christian Connection. If you boost your dating profile, you boost your chances of meeting someone who is drawn to who you are today.
What are your top tips to boost your dating profile?
For more helpful advice on crafting a great dating profile, check out ‘The Christian Connection guide to perfecting your profile‘
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