Author Archives: Christian Connection

“I liked his heart for God” – Leesa & Leigh, our Christian Connection story

Before Leesa and Leigh met on Christian Connection they shared similar stories – both had been married before, both had children and both felt prompted by God to join just when they did. Following God’s lead, Leesa joined just in time to meet before Leigh’s subscription ended. That connection led to an unexpected declaration of love in a fast food restaurant, a wedding surrounded by family and friends and exciting plans for the future.


“It just takes one” – James & Victoria, our Christian Connection story

Going from a simple online ‘like’ to a long-distance relationship and a marriage is no small feat! When Victoria first noticed James on Christian Connection, she knew what she was looking for and what she wanted her dating profile to say about her. Before starting her search, she was certain of one thing: “I decided that I was going to be intentional and join a Christian dating website.” She knew of Christian Connection and thought, “Let me give it a try. What have I got to lose?” She had picked the perfect moment to connect with James, though she didn’t know that when she joined. James had been a Christian Connection member for some time: “My journey was a bit longer… On and off. In fact, when I was coming towards the end of using it. That’s when Victoria and I met…”

'Celebrate you' - watch the new short film from Christian Connection

Introducing ‘Celebrate You’ – Our new inspirational short film

Amid life’s constant hustle and its highs and lows, we invite you to pause and reflect on some enduring truths. ‘Celebrate You’ is our new short film, created to help you reflect through powerful affirmations, highlighting your unique qualities and the infinite value you hold to God. Whether you’re watching on a big screen at a festival or on your phone at home, take a moment to let each word sink in and affirm God’s love for you and your worth in God’s eyes. Watch and be uplifted by a message of love, hope and personal strength today and always.


“The connection and chemistry followed” – Christian Connection couples share their stories

“Thanks Christian Connection for helping us find one another, God’s way,” wrote Aduba and Will at the end of their Christian Connection story. If there’s one thing couples who meet on Christian Connection have in common it’s sharing a deep faith they go on to grow together. It’s always a privilege and encouragement to hear the stories of single Christians who joined Christian Connection in hope making a special connection, met through a wave or message and have decided to build a future together.

AI and online dating: The Christian Connection Guide to understanding the new technology

AI and online dating: The Christian Connection Guide to understanding the new technology

AI, or Artificial Intelligence, is big news right now. You may have heard of AI being used to generate music, art, stories and videos. Some actors, writers, and artists are going on strike to prevent being replaced by AI versions of themselves. Public figures and politicians now have to deal with ‘deep fake’ versions that look and sound very similar to them appearing online. But did you know that AI is also something to be aware of when it comes to meeting online? Here’s the Christian Connection guide to what you need to know about AI and online dating.

great reasons you can trust Christian Connection for online dating - Christian Connection blog

13 great reasons you can trust Christian Connection for online dating

When it comes to online dating, it can be hard to know where to start and who to trust. Preparing to meet someone new can be an exciting but also anxious process. Building a successful relationship depends on trust, and trust is one of the foundational values of Christian Connection and is central to all we do. For nearly 25 years, we’ve been helping single Christians meet and form lasting relationships, and we understand that trust is a top priority every step of the way.


“Be encouraged and keep going!” – Christian Connection couples share their stories

“Both of us had spent many years looking for the right person, often feeling in tough times that it would never happen. Time and again either of us would be at someone else’s wedding and think: ‘When will it be my turn?’” This is how Charlie and Ruth opened their story when they got in touch to let us know they’d just got married after meeting on Christian Connection. Online dating can bring ups and downs. Couples who meet on Christian Connection often ask to share their stories so that those who are currently dating will be encouraged, and show how they navigated their dating experiences to find each other.

7 fun and simple first date ideas that aren't meeting for coffee - Christian Connection dating advice

7 fun and simple first date ideas that aren’t meeting for coffee

Messaging has been going well. You want to meet in person and chat more. The classic first date is to ‘meet for a coffee’ – simple to arrange, public and low cost. It’s a great way to test your online connection and whether there’s more to develop without the pressure of a grand setting or long time commitment. But you still want it to go well. First impressions count! So, what could you do that’s a little more interesting than a couple of cappuccinos? Here are some fun, simple first date ideas that make a great alternative to coffee.


About this Blog

Christian Connection is an award-winning Christian dating website in the UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, USA and Canada.

Since the UK launch in 2000, thousands of Christians have found friendship, love and marriage through the site.

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