10 top tips for preparing for the first date
First impressions do matter and if you want to make a good first impression, here are some tips to follow.
- Don’t take it too seriously. By this, I mean, don’t go in with a pre-conceived notion. Don’t assume you’re going to meet ‘the one’, because you may be in for a disappointment. It is better to have no expectations and be pleasantly surprised.
- Wear something nice, and comfortable. If you don’t do heels, don’t wear them. If you’re more of a jeans person, then don’t wear a suit. Obviously, think about where you’re going and dress accordingly.
- Think before-hand about what to talk about. Both of you may be just as nervous as each other, so it’s important to come with some conversation starters to avoid awkward silences. Ask questions that would make the other person think a bit- what do they like to do in their spare time and why? What are they passionate about? If they like to read, what kind of books? If they love travelling, what’s the most exciting place they’ve been to and why?
- Don’t eat too much. I love my food just as much as the next person, but a first date is really not the time to show off your eating skills. You also don’t want any awkward stomach issues.
- Be prepared (to pay for the bill). Some people think the guy should pay the bill, and some think it should be split, especially when you’re on a first date and just getting to know each other. I think despite your preferences, you should never go on a date with someone and expect them to foot the whole bill. Come prepared to pay at least your share, and then some. It saves any awkward conversations at the end of the date.
- Be yourself. There is the pressure to impress when on a first date, but remember that you want the other person to get to know the real you, not someone else. If they don’t like what they see, then at least you know you’re not starting a relationship based on pretenses.
- Don’t do anything you’re not comfortable with. This may seem obvious but it’s easy to get carried away if the date is going really well, and there is an attraction. But it’s also important to know when to draw the line and not do something you may regret later.
- Be polite, even if you don’t feel attracted to the person. Don’t treat someone in a way you wouldn’t want to be treated.
- Keep an open mind. Unless you absolutely cannot stand to be around someone, don’t write them off straightaway. People are usually nervous on the first date, and may come across different to what they’re usually like, so it’s a good idea to meet them again before you make up your mind about them.
- Pray. This is not about being overly spiritual, but I strongly believe that every aspect of the dating process should be covered in prayer. Ask God for direction and discernment, and He will give it to you when you need it the most.
Want more first date tips? Take a look at our previous articles:
Jilt the jitters: 10 ways to beat first date nerves
First Date Essentials Kit