Author Archives: Christian Connection

5 reasons why Valentine’s Day is for everyone on Christian Connection - Dating advice

5 reasons why Valentine’s Day is for everyone on Christian Connection

You might be forgiven for thinking Valentine’s Day isn’t meant for singles. Aren’t all the cards and flowers in the shops at this time of year designed to celebrate happy couples? Some people choose to avoid the day altogether. But here at Christian Connection, we believe in making Valentine’s Day for everyone – and what better place to celebrate love than a place people come to make important new connections? February is one of our busiest times of year! With so many members ready to meet someone new, it’s a great place to connect with others who haven’t found their perfect match – yet. Maybe this year, that perfect match could be you! So, here are five tips to help you share the love and reach out to someone new, and just maybe you’ll meet next year’s Valentine!


“I had a sneaking suspicion my feelings were growing deeper” – Matt & Vicky, our Christian Connection story

Matt and Vicky met on Christian Connection and recently got married. Matt said, “I figured it was time to be proactive in looking for a partner rather than just waiting around. I wanted to use a Christian site as it is in line with my faith and beliefs.” For Vicky, it was a time for change: “I had used Christian Connection previously in my 20s but had taken a number of years out to be intentionally single. I prayed a lot about rejoining CC and felt that God said the time was right.”


“It felt like I knew her and she knew me” – Moyo & Yinka, our Christian Connection story

“I wanted to meet somebody that was a Christian. And I just felt like Christian Connection was the right place.” When Yinka set out to find a special connection, her Christian Connection profile led her to Moyo, whose friends had told him he needed “to get yourself out there… meet new people”. Find out how Moyo and Yinka went from Facetiming and mini golf to a great love story and three weddings…

6 top tips for taking the leap into love in 2024 - Christian Connection dating advice - young couple together

6 top tips for taking the leap into love in 2024

As we ring out the old year and welcome in 2024, our thoughts turn to all the opportunities the new year could bring. As a leap year, we already know one thing the year ahead has in store: one extra day! While February 29th might not be the best date for a birthday, years containing a leap day are often viewed as special, and can be seen as a time to be bold, especially when it comes to love. So whether you’re making a new start or a fresh start when it comes to online dating, you’ve picked the perfect time to make the most of all Christian Connection has to offer and leap into love!

7 things couples who met on Christian Connection taught us in 2023 - Elena and Josh

“Be open to the possibility…” – 7 things couples who met on Christian Connection taught us in 2023

It’s always a joy to share the encouraging stories couples who’ve met on Christian Connection send in. Each story is unique – a coming together of two people who would never have met without that first (brave!) wave or message. Or without first taking the leap and becoming a member! As we reach the end of the year, here are just a handful of the couples who’ve shared their #MetOnCC stories and lots of great advice for Christian Connection members, as well as what we’ve noticed helps to make a lasting connection.

Montage of images from the most popular Christian dating blog posts of 2023 - Christian Connection great dating advice

Looking for great dating advice? Here are our most popular blog posts of 2023

Every week the Christian Connection blog has new advice, encouragement and inspiration for daters at all stages of life. Whether you’re looking for interesting, original date ideas, support as you navigate getting to know someone or learn from real life experiences, we ask experts and those who’ve been on similar journeys to share their wisdom. Over the years, this has grown into a diverse resource full of great dating advice. From practical tips on dating well to inspiring love stories that started with a click and a wave on Christian Connection, here are our most popular posts this year on the CC blog.

New feature on Christian Connection! Profile and photo reactions

New feature on Christian Connection! Profile and photo reactions ❤️😀🙏

Making the first move can feel like a big deal. Whether you’re new to Christian Connection or been a member before, there’s now a new way to show your interest and start a conversation. Once you’ve uploaded your photos and spent some time perfecting your profile it’s time to take the next step and reach out to someone you like. If hitting that message button feels daunting, don’t worry! Our new profile and photo reactions make it easy and stress free to make that first connection and let someone know you’d like to get to know them.


“We can see God’s grace and favour” – Christian Connection couples share their stories

From overcoming scepticism about online dating to the restrictions of long distance connections, even the greatest love stories can get off to a bumpy start! When #MetOnCC couples share their stories, they start from the first nervous wave, like or message through to proposals, weddings and their changed lives together. Be encouraged by their honesty, openness and faithfulness as each unique couple relives the journey from strangers who share a faith to spouses who share a future.


About this Blog

Christian Connection is an award-winning Christian dating website in the UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, USA and Canada.

Since the UK launch in 2000, thousands of Christians have found friendship, love and marriage through the site.

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