“Be encouraged and keep going!” – Christian Connection couples share their stories
“Both of us had spent many years looking for the right person, often feeling in tough times that it would never happen. Time and again either of us would be at someone else’s wedding and think: ‘When will it be my turn?’” This is how Charlie and Ruth opened their story when they got in touch to let us know they’d just got married after meeting on Christian Connection. Online dating can bring ups and downs. Couples who meet on Christian Connection often ask to share their stories so that those who are currently dating will be encouraged, and show how they navigated their dating experiences to find each other.
Here are some of the stories recently shared with Christian Connection from people who found love through the site or app. What stories have most encouraged you?
Charlie and Ruth
Following on from their comment above, Charlie and Ruth explained how their individual dating journeys eventually led them to each other, and how they were both proactive and patient along the way.
“Some people say the right person will come along just when you don’t expect it, as if nobody has to lift a finger. It’s not true and we thank God for sites like Christian Connection that provide an opportunity to do something proactive.
Both of us had been on the site for years before we met in June 2022. It wasn’t a case of love at first sight, but we soon realised we were clicking (and others could see this too), and after seeing each other for a month we knew this was serious and agreed we were an item.

Charlie and Ruth on their wedding day
Things took a step further forward later that year when I (Charlie) had to move out of my flat. At the time we lived over 20 miles apart, so when Ruth suggested I move near to her it was clear how serious she was!
We grew closer and closer and by early 2023 it was clear where we were going. We bought an engagement ring but had to wait a few weeks before formally getting engaged while we waited for it to be made. It was hard keeping it secret from all but a very few.
Our wedding day in October 2023 was magical – apart from the Lancashire weather – and we had a wonderful honeymoon in Scotland afterward. Both of us had waited a long, long time for this day and both of us had felt we had little hope at times, not least in early 2022 before we met!
Ironically, we had seen each other’s profiles on Christian Connection before, but we had never made contact. Perhaps it was a matter of timing, perhaps we were too fixed in our ideas of what the ‘ideal’ marital partner would be like. That may be a lesson; be open to the possibility that the best person for you to marry is somewhat different to what you imagine them to be.
Using Christian Connection hasn’t been a ‘quick fix’ for either of us. It has involved learning about ourselves and others, with mishaps and misadventures along the way. Most of these were down to wrong matches but occasionally – in both our cases – we were unfortunate enough to meet people who came on this site whose intentions were less than honourable or honest.
However, persistence paid off. What we have ultimately found in each other is a reward for not giving up. So, if you too are one of those people who finds yourself asking at a wedding when your time will come, remember that was us once, so be encouraged and keep going!”
Rhonda & Russell

Rhonda and Russell
This happy couple sent a fairytale-style story soon after their marriage!
“Once upon a time there was Russell and Rhonda, two star-crossed lovers who were fated to meet through Christian Connection. That fateful day in December 2021, Russell sent the first electronic wave and Rhonda waved back.
Then it started – long deep daily messages between Rhonda and Russell. Despite the possibilities of modern technology, something about the old-fashioned way of communicating appealed to them, so in January 2022 they decided to start phone conversations that quickly turned into long-lasting conversations about everything and anything. Every night, they’d talk for hours – and it felt like the time was just flying by.
Three weeks later, the two found themselves on a picnic – the first of many dates. Despite the unknown and the fear of not knowing what was to come of this connection, the two took a leap of faith and embarked on a momentous journey together. As the days and weeks went on, they were drawn closer together and in February 2022, the two became a couple from that day forward.

Rhonda and Russell get married
Everything seemed to align quite perfectly when they met. They both shared the same values and beliefs and knew that putting God (Yahweh) first, was the key to a lasting, meaningful relationship.
Some people searching for a Christian partner will settle for a church-goer, but they wanted more than that they wanted a committed Christian. They searched for someone whose faith was so strong and profound, and that person was each other.
Russell, in May 2023, literally bowed on one knee – “I asked for Rhonda‘s hand in marriage; she goes ‘ohhh, yeah!'” From then on, these two hopeless romantics have sworn to love and respect one another until the end of time. They were married November 2023. So there you have it folks, true love.”
Congratulations Rhonda and Russell!
Dave and Jenny

Dave and Jenny after their wedding
Dave and Jenny made contact after their wedding, with some great advice for Christian Connection members.
“I met a lovely lady called Jenny on CC and we are now married! She “bravely sent the first message” and we talked on the phone for 1.5 hours, which was a good sign. We met and, as it was my birthday, she kindly bought me lunch (another good sign). We have had our ups and downs, like any couple, but I proposed after we had known each other for a year. We had to wait 6 months for a slot at the Registry Office, but also had a lovely Church Service as well, with various members of my family attending. Our tip would be to ignore any age difference.”
Sometimes Christian Connection members get in touch to let us know about a developing story! When Kerrie made contact she wanted to share something exciting in her future…
“Thank you for your website! I’ve been on and off Christian Connection for the last few years. I messaged, talked to a number of men over the phone and had a few dates. They were nice guys, just not for me. I figured that God meant for me to be single after 17 years a widow. In September 2023, I waved at yet another nice guy, he messaged back, we got to chatting for literally hours and hours. We met up and now we’re engaged to be married this year! God is good!”
If you have a #MetOnCC story to share, please do get in touch. It’s simple to send your story – along with any photos or video clips you’d like to add to it – by clicking here and completing some details.
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