Worship God this Easter - Christian Connection blog

Why we should worship God this Easter

I just finished taking part in a 22-day praise challenge, which involved praising and worshipping God for an hour at midnight. What I loved most about this was that the focus was mainly on worshipping God, with singing and dancing. As human beings we all have our issues and we often come to God with problems each time we pray. For example, as a single person, getting married someday might be at the top of your prayer list (as it was, mine, for many years). There is nothing wrong with that, of course, but how often do we just worship God for who He is or for what He has done? Here are three great reasons to worship God this Easter…

Worship God this Easter - Christian Connection blogWorship comes from the old English word ‘worthscipe’, which means ‘worthiness’, or ‘worth-ship’. Worship, in its simplest form, means ascribing worth to something, or someone. When we worship God, we are saying He is worthy of our praise, our time, our effort, our love, our everything.

Whilst our lives should always be a form of worship to God, Easter is one of those times in the Christian calendar that we reflect and remember what God did for us. It allows us to take our minds off ourselves for a moment, to think about God’s sacrifice. God sent His only son, Jesus, to die for us and take our sins upon Himself.

This is something we could never do for ourselves and God in His goodness and mercy, did it for us.

It isn’t easy to fully comprehend what the death and resurrection of Jesus means for us, as Christians, but the Bible says in 2 Corinthians 5.21 that “God made Him who knew no sin, to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him”.

This means that in Jesus, we are made right with God. We can come before God, and instead of seeing our sins and everything that separates us from Him, God sees His son, Jesus, who paid the price for them. This is something worth worshiping God for.

One of my favourite songs to sing at Church is titled, ‘This is our God’. The chorus talks about falling at the feet of Jesus and worshiping Him. The bridge goes,

Freely you gave it all for us

Surrendered your life upon that cross

Great is the love poured out for all

This is our God

Lifted on high from death to life

Forever our God is glorified

Servant and King, rescued the world

This is our God

Worship God this Easter! - Christian Connection blogYes, this is our God, who surrendered Himself on the cross, poured out His love for mankind, even though mankind rejects Him daily, and rescued us, when we couldn’t rescue ourselves. This our God is worthy to be worshipped, for what He did for us at Easter.

I want to share three specific reasons to worship God this Easter:

We have been reconciled to God

Whether we knew it or not, before we became Christians, we were estranged from God. To put it bluntly, we were His enemy. But 2 Corinthians 5:19 says that God was reconciling the world to Himself in Christ, not counting people’s sins against them. Read that again- in Christ, God no longer holds our sins against us! As we repent and commit to following Christ, we can enjoy the fullness of this reconciliation. This is worth worshipping God for.

We now have eternal life

Eternal life doesn’t just begin when we get to Heaven. Jesus says in John 10:10 that He has come that we may have life, and life to the full. Having a relationship with God, here on earth is the beginning of eternal life. Whilst we may be longing for a marital relationship here on earth, a relationship with God is what truly gives our life purpose and meaning.

We have been set free to live the life He wants for us

The death and resurrection of Jesus means that God has freed us from anything that held us back before- fear of death, fear of not being good enough, destructive habits, generational patterns, etc. We are now free to live the abundant life Jesus offers us, and for this reason, we must worship God.

God deserves our worship, and there are many more reasons to worship Him this Easter. We may not have everything we want right now, and our lives may look very different to how we envisioned it, i.e. still single in our thirties, forties, or older.

But, as you celebrate this year, I want you to remember what God has done for you, rather than focusing on what you don’t have yet. Worship God for reconciling you to Himself. Worship Him for giving you eternal life and giving your life purpose.

And worship Him for setting you free from your previous way of life.

Whatever else you do over the coming days, don’t forget to worship God this Easter!

Read more posts about faith on the Christian Connection blog here.

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