Refresh your dating energy this new year
A new year is a time for fresh starts, the hopeful possibilities of good that a new year can bring and sometimes new resolutions. There is an excitement and anticipation of what the new year can bring – a bubbling energy is expectant for what God has in store for you. A fresh year maybe to find a life partner? Meet someone new? How can you find your dating energy in the new year, especially if it feels like you’re starting yet another year of being single?
The business of the Christmas period is over, the mince pies are mostly finished, families have returned home, the turkey is finally eaten, work is back to normal. It’s time to focus on dating! How can you revitalise your dating energy?
No January slump
Try not to get sucked into the January blues. The post-Christmas/New Year period, is notorious for making people feel down after all the excitement, business and pressure.
Don’t let the January blues draw you into a lack of energy and negative attitudes towards dating. Instead, find the blessings that each day brings – find one thing a day that you can truly thank God for.
This will change your perspective and instead of the blues, you’ll be brighter and more thankful, which means you’re less likely to go down a darker path. You will be much more positive when it comes to dating, meaning the best version of you will show up.
Give it to God
The most important thing you can do to find your dating energy, is to pray and hand it over to God. At the end of the day, it will be in God’s timing whether you meet someone this year or not. He knows best. His timing is best. Trust Him and the work and the plan He has for your life. The King of Kings wants the best for you – how special does that make you feel?
It may not be what you are necessarily looking for, but it will be what you need, what is best and right for you. God is the one who can give you strength, refresh you and bring rejuvenation. “Look to the Lord and His strength; seek His face always”, (1 Chronicles 16:11) and “I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand” (Isaiah 41:10) are good examples that God restores your soul and gives you the strength and energy when you are lacking.
Just as January is a great time to tidy up, clean the house, sort out things that have been building up, it’s also a great time to tidy up your profile. Practically work on refreshing it, keeping it up to date, making sure you have a fresh and current profile picture.
This is a good time to review your ‘must-haves’ that may potentially be holding people back – can you extend the distance slightly to allow a greater pool of people, do you need to have a certain height in a partner, or can you be more open minded?
The right partner may be out there, but you may be held back by distance, if they’re not in your chosen proximity. God calls us to compromise and you never know if the right one may be willing to move!
Extend your chances and try to be a little more open minded. If I had all my tick list in my search engine, I would have never met anyone. Pray and try to work through what are your non-negotiables and what would be nice to have.
Be proactive
This is a time when you can take the reins and be proactive – make the contact, don’t wait to be contacted. Make an effort to meet up rather than letting conversations fizzle away.
Put aside time to meet and actively pursue. If you sit around waiting for it to happen, then the dating energy gets stagnant. Instead, take the plunge and maybe make a move? Personally, I ‘waved’ first and I’m so glad I did, as we are now married!
This is an exciting time and seeing it as that helps to give your dating life a boost. Who knows what God h
as in store for you? Hand it over to Him, let Him lead you, seek His will and enjoy the possibilities that this new year can bring!
How do you refresh your dating energy?
Looking for more on new year dating? Read ‘6 fun new year dating resolutions to make this year’, ‘6 dating resolutions not to make this year‘ and ‘6 ways to keep your new year (and dating) resolutions alive‘