5 reasons why Valentine’s Day is for everyone on Christian Connection
You might be forgiven for thinking Valentine’s Day isn’t meant for singles. Aren’t all the cards and flowers in the shops at this time of year designed to celebrate happy couples? Some people choose to avoid the day altogether. But here at Christian Connection, we believe in making Valentine’s Day for everyone – and what better place to celebrate love than a place people come to make important new connections? February is one of our busiest times of year! With so many members ready to meet someone new, it’s a great place to connect with others who haven’t found their perfect match – yet. Maybe this year, that perfect match could be you! So, here are five tips to help you share the love and reach out to someone new, and just maybe you’ll meet next year’s Valentine!
Ready to make the most of Valentine’s Day this year?
Step up your style!
When it comes to online dating, your profile is the first impression you’ll make, so make sure you’re looking good. Take some time to reread what you’ve written about yourself and update where necessary. Maybe you’ve started a new hobby, been inspired by a sermon, or read a book you’d love to talk about. Mention it in your profile and you might catch someone’s eye.
Remember to keep your profile positive, both about yourself and the person you’re looking for. If you’re not sure where to start, ask a friend how they’d describe you and start taking notes! You can check out our tips for perfecting your profile here.
And, while you’re getting your profile up to date, don’t forget your photo! Refreshing your picture every now and then can make someone look twice at your profile. Recent photos where you look and feel relaxed and happy are ideal. If you’d like some more tips, we’ve got you covered with this guide to profile pics that show you at your best.
Make the most of our ways to reach out
One of our top tips for success when online dating is to reach out first. Lots of people feel nervous about making the first move, so taking that first step can help you to connect with someone who might not have found the courage to do it themselves.
On Christian Connection there are several ways to let someone know you like them. Click the heart icon on their profile to send a ‘like’, or try one of our profile and photo reactions if you’d like to let them know exactly which part of their profile really got your attention. If you haven’t tried our reactions yet, you can learn more about them here.
We recommend being bold and sending a message if you can. Messages have been shown to get the best response, and on Valentine’s Day you have a readymade opening line! Once you’ve wished someone “Happy Valentine’s”, remember to open the conversation up by asking a question, or mentioning a common interest. If you’re not sure how to get things started, take a look at our resources for better conversations for lots of helpful tips.
Take the next step
If you’re already chatting with someone and you feel there could be a connection, it might be time to take the conversation offline, or even meet in person. Ask them what their ideal Valentine’s Day date might be, and see if you can make it happen.
Settling in for a cosy phone call or using our inbuilt video chat option could be a wonderful way to spend time ‘with’ someone, even if you can’t be in the same place.
If you’re stuck for date ideas then you’re in luck, as Christian Connection have come up with lots of suggestions, no matter what kind of get-together you enjoy. Perhaps you’re enthusiastic about outdoor activities, or you’d rather just chill out. We’ve even got ideas for extra creative outings. Check out our archive of date ideas for Valentine’s inspiration, from the last minute to the free!
Join or host a Meetup or event
Speaking of getting together, remember that you don’t need to be in a couple to enjoy a day out, whether on Valentine’s Day or any other time.
Christian Connection’s Meetups and Events hub lets members host gatherings for others in their local area, or even online. It can be a wonderful way to meet new people who share your faith and your interests.
Popular Meetups have included going for lunches at fantastic local restaurants, walks around natural beauty spots, museums or historical areas. Our online Meetups have included karaoke, the ever-popular zoom quizzes, and bible study.
Why not make this a Palentine’s Day and meet up with some brand new friends?
Don’t take it too seriously
Try not to put too much pressure on yourself or others just because of the day. February 14th is just another date on the calendar, and while it’s a great opportunity to reach out and start something new, it can also be a time when people feel lonely. It’s fine to ignore the day altogether if that’s the most comfortable choice for you.
Remember, there are many kinds of love to focus on and celebrate on Valentine’s Day.
• Your love for others – you could call a friend you haven’t checked in with for a while or look into local charity volunteering opportunities.
• Your love for yourself – self care is important. Loving yourself doesn’t have to be narcissistic, it can just mean remembering that you are God’s fearfully and wonderfully made creation, and opening your heart to being loved.
• God’s love for you. As Christians, we are never alone with God’s love.
On Christian Connection, everyone you meet will be in the same place as you: looking for love on Valentine’s Day. With so many new people joining at this time of year, if you haven’t signed up yet then it’s the perfect time to create a profile, take advantage of our free trial or sign up for a subscription, and start saying hello!
Are you planning to make new connections on Valentine’s Day?
If you want more Valentine’s Day tips, check out our blog archive.