Author Archives: Urenna Kiwanuka

5 great ways to reclaim your joy at Christmas - Christian Connection dating advice

5 great ways to reclaim your joy at Christmas

Christmas can be a hard time if you’re single. It’s the end of the year and perhaps you were hoping that this Christmas would be the one that you spent with that special someone, or that you’d be introducing them to your family. There’s something about smiling families in TV adverts and couples in matching pyjamas that can make being single feel miserable, but I truly believe you can have joy at Christmas, regardless of your relationship or marital status.

Why your perfect partner might be right under your nose - Christian Connection blog

Why your perfect partner might be right under your nose

Before I met my husband, I had a list of what I wanted in the man I was to marry. He had to be God-fearing, loving and kind, hardworking, patient. You know, the usual stuff. He had to be attractive – to me at least (I strongly believe that beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder) and had to be taller than me (I’m not tall). I wouldn’t say I had many superficial things on my list at all, but I remember when I started online dating and seeing some profiles – there were some good-looking men I couldn’t help but notice! I thought to myself, “If this is what the online dating scene is offering, I’m here for all of it!” It was only when I waved to one or two of them and got no response (this sometimes happens, don’t worry if it happens to you) that I realised that there were probably hundreds of women like me doing the same thing: reaching out to the same attractive men that we thought fitted the bill of what we wanted in a mate…

10 reasons why differences are great for a relationship - Christian Connection dating advice

10 reasons why differences are great for a relationship

It has been said that opposites attract, and whilst that is true to an extent, a difference in personalities is often cited as the main reason for the breakdown of many relationships. Whilst it is important to have some key things in common with the person you’re in a relationship with, for example, a shared faith, similar moral values, and world views, it is also possible to have a great relationship with someone that is quite different from you. In fact, I believe our differences can have a positive impact on our relationship and even make it all the better.

3 simple ways to be a blessing as you date - Christian Connection dating advice

3 simple ways to be a blessing as you date

The dating world can sometimes be a minefield, and even more so if it’s your first time stepping out of your comfort zone to try to meet people. Dating itself can be very exciting; you get to meet new people, make friends and hopefully end up with the person you will spend the rest of your life with. Wouldn’t it be great along the way if everyone acted with courtesy and grace when dealing with each other on the dating scene? Here’s how you can be a blessing to others as you date.

How to pray through your dating experiences - Christian Connection dating advice

How to pray through your dating experiences

Sometimes when we think about prayer we think it should only apply to more ‘spiritual’ things, or serious things such as praying for healing or protection or God’s provision. But it’s amazing to know that God is interested in every area of our lives- including who we date and eventually marry. Prayer is actually not complicated; it is simply having a conversation with God. So, how exactly do you pray through your dating experiences?

5 great ways to improve your dating environment - Christian Connection dating advice

5 great ways to improve your dating environment

We all desire to be in healthy relationships, and whilst we cannot always just make it happen, there are several things we can do to give ourselves the opportunity or increase our chances of finding one. When you’re looking to be in a healthy relationship, it is important to put yourself in the right environment – physically, socially, and even mentally – to enable that to happen. So, how do you improve your dating environment to ensure you’re in a space that helps you find a healthy relationship? And how can you overcome any limitations to enable this?


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Christian Connection is an award-winning Christian dating website in the UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, USA and Canada.

Since the UK launch in 2000, thousands of Christians have found friendship, love and marriage through the site.

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