5 ways to make the most of dating
When dating, there are a few things you need to bear in mind to make the process enjoyable and productive as possible. Ultimately, you want to give yourself the best chance of success and achieving what you desire. It can be easy to feel discouraged or give up if things are not going exactly how you want, but don’t lose hope. If you stay the course, you will hopefully reap the rewards and make the most of dating – and enjoy it! Here are 5 tips for doing just that.
- Pray. Never underestimate the importance of prayer. When we pray, we are inviting God to be part of our journey. We sometimes think that God is only interested in the ‘spiritual stuff’; that our dating life is not important to Him, but this is not true. The person you date and potentially marry can change the trajectory of your life, so ask God to lead and guide you on the journey, and help you enjoy it.
- Maintain a positive attitude. Almost everyone has a ‘not so nice’ dating story, but don’t let that put you off. You may even have one or two disasters along the way but avoid writing everyone else off because of a date that didn’t go so well (hopefully you will laugh about it someday!). Having a positive mindset about dating goes a long way and it shows the other person that you’re serious and not just dating for the sake of it. Enthusiasm is contagious and allows the other person to relax and be at ease whilst getting to know you.
- Be yourself. You’re dating so that you can get to know someone, and let them get to know you. Always remember that you’re the best version of you, so there’s no point trying to be someone that you’re not. Don’t worry about what you think men like, or what you think women are looking for. Your uniqueness is important! Are you a Star Wars nerd? Don’t hide it- he just might be too! Do you love romcoms? Tell her- that might just be what she’s looking for in a guy! The right person for you will love you just the way that you are, so be yourself.
- Be patient. Nothing comes easy, and that is especially true for something that is good! Desiring to be in a relationship or get married is a good thing, and meeting someone may happen quickly for you, or it may not. Everyone’s story is different, but God knows just what you need. you don’t need to compare your situation to someone else’s. Don’t worry if all your friends are already married or in relationships. The Bible says in James chapter 1 that the testing of your faith produces patience. When you let patience complete its work, you will be mature and complete, lacking nothing. So, give it time, and trust that God is working in the background, even when it seems like nothing is happening.
- Stay hopeful! Everyone has a different story. There have been many stories of people meeting and even getting married during lockdown (read some Christian Connection stories here) and whilst that may not be everyone’s story, it shows that all hope is not lost, and it is possible. Stay hopeful, keep engaging with potential dates and ask God to direct your steps as you navigate the dating scene, trusting His Holy Spirit for guidance.
Find out more about Christian Connection and how to join and start dating.