
“We gave each other a second chance” – Angie & David, our Christian Connection story

“My now-husband David and I first started chatting on Christian Connection, after he ‘accidentally’ liked me, when he thought he was only putting me on a saved list! I initiated conversation, and looking back on our chat, the poor guy was writing me essays and I was giving him short responses. I am a truly terrible person! And to add to that, I regrettably ghosted him after a while as life got busy and I was experiencing disappointment after disappointment in my love life. Not that it is any excuse! But regardless, God had other plans…


“I’m blown away and thankful for all God has done” – Christian Connection couples share their stories

Every story shared by Christian Connection couples is unique – and often full of surprises. Behind the #MetOnCC hashtags are the nervous waves, faltering first messages and cautious first dates that start so many modern love stories – but the stories don’t end there! If you’re wondering how Christian Connection members go from creating their profiles to walking down the aisle, read about couples who connected simply and prayerfully online, and those who overcame distance and pandemic restrictions to be together. Joy, encouragement and thankfulness abound!


“It was like we had known each other forever” – Christian Connection couples share their stories

Joining Christian Connection might just be life-changing! That’s the testimony of all the couples who get in touch to share their #MetOnCC love stories as an encouragement to others. From couples who lived far apart whose paths would never have crossed, to those who discovered they shared mutual friends, each story is unique – with some key things in common! Behind each joyful wedding and engagement photo is that first nervous wave and message, the uncertain first date, and the back and forth of growing together after meeting online, made special by the two people at the heart of it.


“We’ve had so many, many adventures” – Jordan & Josh, our Christian Connection story

“Around November 2019 I joined CC. I was talking regularly with my mum about how it was going and she encouraged me to wave and chat with several people even just to make some more Christian friends. On December 17th I waved at a guy from Queensland, I had actually been avoiding anyone from Queensland originally as I lived in NSW and didn’t like the thought of moving. A few days later we began chatting and hit it off immediately…


“We were so different” – Alex & Jane, our Christian Connection story

“I would not have given Alex a second glance from his profile shot…” When Jane got in touch to let us know she had just celebrated 20 years of marriage to Alex, she was very honest about her first impressions! Now, with three teenaged children and lots of adventures between them, Jane is thankful she followed some friendly advice when she was single: “I would never have considered online dating but a friend convinced me and I am so glad I listened.” Here’s their story…

When should you have the 'marriage conversation'? - Christian Connection dating advice

When should you have the ‘marriage conversation’?

So, you’ve been dating someone for what you consider a good amount of time, and you really like them. You know that you would like to explore the possibility of marriage with them, but you’re worried about bringing it up, for fear of sounding too keen, or too pushy perhaps. Don’t panic, you’re not alone! The marriage conversation is one that any serious Christian relationship is likely to have at some point, but it can be difficult to know when to bring it up. So, when exactly you should you begin?

Anne Marjorie and Matthew on their wedding day after meeting on Christian Connection dating site and app

“Every moment has drawn us closer” – Anne Marjorie & Matthew, our Christian Connection story

“Although we were both a little nervous, we could immediately see joy, kindness and love in each other…” When Anne Marjorie and Matthew first met on Christian Connection they didn’t know they’d be sending us their story and wedding photos a couple of years later! Read about their first date, a botanical gardens proposal and why they agree “having each other as our best friend is the best thing we’ve both had!!”


About this Blog

Christian Connection is an award-winning Christian dating website in the UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, USA and Canada.

Since the UK launch in 2000, thousands of Christians have found friendship, love and marriage through the site.

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